For Healthcare Professionals

For ProfessionalsFor Professionals

This page is to introduce the basics of our approach and to assist you in determining whether your patient is a candidate for our TMJ Treatment Protocol.

Call us!

At any time, if you have any questions for our doctor, please let us know.  We will arrange a phone consult for you quickly.

For urgent patient care…

Our TMJ Relief Plan is intended to quickly address the most urgent aspect of the patient’s status.  If the patient has an acute need, such as significant jaw pain, locking or popping, we will make every effort to work them into our schedule as quickly as possible.  Please let our office know if your patient needs an urgent appointment!


TMJ Asymmetry It’s all about function, function, function!

After the urgent patient needs are attended to, Dr. Kestner seeks to determine the status of the joint function.  He will address joint biomechanics issues that may include: joint status, muscle tone, presence of myofascial trigger points, muscle balance, jaw resting position, mandible deviation in opening and closing, locking, hesitation, ratcheting, anterior head position, cervical spine function and other aspects that may be playing a role in the TMJ problem.


Patient Selection

Although most of your patients are likely good candidates for our treatment protocol, TMJ Relief Plan will not address the needs of every patient.  For example, if the patient has significant uncorrected malocclusion, abnormal bone development such as a marked imbalance in the length of the mandibular rami, incomplete dental restoration work or other dental or orthodontic needs that have not been properly treated, they may not be a candidate until those problems are resolved.


Patient ReferralRx 2


It is very easy to refer a patient to our office.  In many cases, it may be as easy as providing the patient with our phone number.  We will handle everything else.


If you have produced or acquired imaging of the temporomandibular joint that may be helpful. please arrange for these images to be loaned to our office or digitally accessed.

 Thank you!

Thank you for recommending our office to your patients!

We will do our best to help!


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